Thursday, June 17, 2010

Zombie Parkour

It started off as a dream that felt mostly normal. It felt like I was in the Mirror's Edge game, and I was running around, jumping off of buildings and snapping necks. Then the mood and lighting shifted, and I was suddenly running away from a huge crowd of fast-zombies, who chased me up a wall.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Camping and The End of The World!

First time in a while that I was able to remember enough of my dreams to be able to write them down.

First one was of me backpacking through some wilderness somewhere. I had very basic essentials with me but no water. I never mentioned food, so I assume that I had plenty with me. Most of the dream involved me finding various water sources and purifying them some how so I could drink it.

Second one was an End of the World type adventure. I don't know what event happened that caused it, but the world was in apocalypse style mode. I don't think it was zombies. Anyway, my girlfriend and I were driving along a river when something huge dropped in, creating a big shockwave/wave that traveled along the river getting bigger and bigger. It felt like a chase scene. When it reached shore, it began to flood the nearby towns. For some reason, we had to abandon our car, and we began to search for a new car. I really wanted to find a truck. All the places we searched had either dinosaur or Native-American styled cars and houses and trucks. Right as we found a truck that worked and was in good condition, I woke up.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Tyson on a Boat

Dreamt I was on a large tanker-style boat in the middle of a big stormy ocean at night. A bunch of friends from school were around and they were panicking. I searched the top of the ship, and found that there was a giant Mike Tyson monster on board. I grabbed a knife and a metal bat and started fighting the monster and leading it towards another boat that was passing by. I knocked the monster onto the other boat, then sped our ship away, saving us all.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


This one started with me in the foyer/entrance room of some big building. I didn't know where I was or why I was there, I just knew I needed to get away from someone/something.

So I started running. It took me a while to get going, but after a minute or so, I was doing all sorts of Parkour/Free Running moves all over this building. I was sliding on rails, doing flips, running on walls, and eventually I made my way to the top of the building, jumped to the next one, then made my way down. It ended with me running through the foyer of this new building, then jumping through the window to escape.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This one played out like I was living through a I Am Legend type of scenario. I was the last man (as far as I knew) alive on earth, and living in some city. It kind of reminded me of the UC Santa Barbara campus.

Anyway, one day I turned a corner, and saw some big trucks and cars coming down the road. When I realized they were people, I became super excited, and invited them all into my city to hang out and have a party. I forget what tipped me off, but I eventually realized that they were just carriers for the zombie disease. They started turning, and then their leader led me to a jail to hold me until they were ready to feast. The last thing I remember before jumping awake was wanting to run out and save my girlfriend, but realizing that she was already dead, and that I wasn't there to help her.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm good at sports??

First one involved me going through multiple video games. Many of them were shooters like Goldeneye.

Second one I was playing soccer with a bunch of people from school. For no explainable reason. I was really good. I scored two goals and was able to do front flips.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A bit of a lot

First one I remember, I'm part of a family (not mine. The Simpsons, I believe) getting ready for a trip, when this guy that looks and talks like a mixture of Charles Manson and Alan Moore comes in and started harassing us.

Then It jumped to being in a car (with different people) and we were driving around. We passed by a KFC, and I made a joke about black people liking fried chicken.

Then it jumped to some Star Trek convention. Apparently we were all there (I was dressed as Kirk) to see a free screening of the new movie. Some guy explained the general plot, then began to teach us some of the Vulcan sign language.