Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lady Macbeth?

A weird start to the blog:

Started out with some random ones I can't quite remember. From what I can recall, it seemed to be some movie or video game based ones. I think I remember Resident Evil, something like Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and the diving competition sequence from Back To School, though I didn't get to do the Triple Lindy. There was also a sequence where I ran through a blue lit locker room where there were no real toilets, only drains, and shower heads were coming out of the lockers. Also, everything was covered in soap scum.

The main one was weird. I watched it from a third-person perspective, as if I was watching a play. My "character" reminded me of Lady Macbeth. Can't really explain why other than she/I was scheming something. Ha ha. Anyway, it ended with my twin and her son catching me, then putting me in an interesting guillotine contraption. They drew four cards, and it looked like depending on what the cards were, that determined at what angle they sliced my head off. I drew two aces, a square and a cone. I woke up before the blade dropped. Didn't wake up completely scared, but instead, a bit confused.

If anyone else is reading this, welcome.

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